My work has been gratefully supported by various research grants and fellowships, including funding from Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI),  The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The Brown Institute for Media Innovation, Stanford’s Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE), and Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies (KFAS)

My current research focuses on examining how economically disadvantaged individuals engage with information online in their roles as consumers, workers, and citizens, using computational methods (e.g., see my article about Screenomics).

Selected peer-reviewed journal publications

Lee, J., Hamilton, J. T., Ram, N., Roehrick, K., & Reeves, B. (In press). The psychology of poverty and life online: Natural experiments on the effects of smartphone payday loan ads on psychological stress. Information, Communication, & Society.

Ho, A., Mitchell, E. S., Lee, J., A., Steptoe, Behr, H., May, C., & Michaelides, A. (2022). Predictive capacity of COVID-19-related risk beliefs on weight management behaviors on a commercial weight loss program and speed of COVID-19 vaccination uptake: Prospective cohort study. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-9.

Lee, J. & Hamilton, J. T. (2022). Anchoring in the past, tweeting from the present: Cognitive bias in journalists’ word choices. PLOS ONE, 17(3): e0263730.

Ho, A., Behr, H., Mitchell, E. S., Yang, Q, Lee, J., May, C., & Michaelides, A. (2022). Goal language is associated with attrition and weight loss: Observational study of a digital weight loss program. PLOS Digital Health, 1(6): e0000050.

Behr, H., Earl, S., Ho, A. S., Lee, J., Mitchell, E. S., McCallum, M., ... & Michaelides, A. (2022). Changes in health-promoting behaviors and their association with weight loss, retention, and engagement on a digital program: prospective study. Nutrients, 14(22), 4812.

Lee, E.-J., Oh, S.-Y., Lee, J., & Kim, H. S., (2018). Up close and personal on social media: When do politicians’ personal disclosures enhance vote intention? Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 95(2), 381-403.

Hahn, K. S., Lee, J., Won, I., Jang, S., & Lee, J. (2017). Is regional animus in decline in Korea? A test of the generational shift and geographical mobility hypotheses. Pacific Affairs, 90, 505-533.

Park, S., Lee, J., Ryu, S., & Hahn, K. S. (2015). The network of celebrity politics: Political implications of celebrity following on Twitter. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 659, 246-258.

Book chapter and public scholarship

Lee, J. (2020, September 24). Life on the screen. Sage Ocean blog. Methods Innovation, Tools & Technology, Impact & Society.

Hahn, K. S., Lee, H.-Y., & Lee, J. (2016). Media bias. In Mazzoleni, G., Wessler, H., Barhurst, K., Ikeda, K., Maia, R. (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Political Communication (pp. 711-719). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons.

Media exposure and public engagement

Yes, journalists show more (cognitive) bias on Twitter (2022, April 12). RQ1.

‘The boundary is crumbling’: During the pandemic, screen time is erasing the line between smartphones and reality (2020, August 6). San Francisco Chronicle.

‘Screen Time’ Is Over (2019, May 31).